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jeudi, 27 septembre 2012 12:07


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Lady Caprice est allé à New York à la rencontre de cette artiste et entrepreneuse nommée Erica Purnell A.K.A. Pink Eye, lors de l'évènement Cajole!.

Cajole! est une initiative créee par Pink Eye qui a pour but de présenter des artistes mais surtout leur art et non pas leurs produits comme n'importe quel expo-vente. Reconnecter le public avec l'esprit artistique afin de décoller l'étiquette produit marketing du street art. Nail Art, Graffiti, Cupcakes, Bijoux, Sneakers Customization, tout y est. Une initiative qu'il est important de supporter si l'on veut que le street art évolue dans le bon sens !

By David. B

Lady Caprice went to New York to meet the artist and entrepreneur Erica Purnell AKA Pink Eye, at her Cajole! event.

The pop-up artist center is an initiative created by Pink Eye, which aims to present artists, their art and products unlike any exhibition and sale. The goal is to reconnect the public with the artistic spirit in an effort to loosen the intense (and often overtly annoying) marketing of street art. It's about community-building, Nail Art, Graffiti, Cupcakes, Jewelry, Sneakers Customization; everything was there. Initiative it is important to have if we want street art to evolve in the right direction! Cajole! does just that.

English Text By Shana

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